
Meet Emma Ollikainen: Nextory's dynamic influencer & partner manager

We continue our tradition of interviewing vibrant personalities from the industry, and today we have the pleasure of speaking with Emma Ollikainen, a Finnish native who moved to Sweden five years ago. Emma has become an integral part of Nextory's team as their Influencer & Partner Manager. 

Emma's journey is one of passion for books and a commitment to fostering connections between Nextory, its partners, and a diverse community of readers. In this interview, she shares her insights on her role, the importance of customer loyalty, and the value of partnerships enhancing the user experience.

A passion for books and a journey across borders

Emma Ollikainen's move to Sweden marked the beginning of an exciting chapter in her life. 

- When I first came to Sweden, I could barely speak the language. Books played a crucial role in my language development.  Joining Nextory, a company known for its strong values and innovative spirit, felt like a natural fit. Being part of Nextory's journey has been inspiring. The dynamic environment and the opportunity to learn something new every day are what I love most about my job.

“Curiosity about each other's platforms is crucial. I believe that this curiosity shines through in campaigns and inspires people to find the perfect read”

As the Influencer & Partner Manager at Nextory, Emma's responsibilities are vast and varied. 

- I develop campaigns and activities in collaboration with our partners and influencers. It's a creative role that constantly challenges me, and I get to work with both the Swedish and Finnish markets, which is a significant advantage.

Fostering customer loyalty through personalised experiences

Nextory's mission is to increase reading globally, enriching lives and promoting personal development and democracy. Emma believes that loyalty is built by helping each individual find their preferred genre. Just like with music or movies, personalised book recommendations are key. We strive to offer a personal reading experience tailored to each customer's interests.

Digital reading, according to Emma, is a fantastic tool for introducing people to reading. 

- It can be integrated into almost any activity, making it easier for our users to find time for reading amidst their busy lives. This integration helps maintain engagement and long-term loyalty.

The impact of customer reviews

Customer reviews are essential to Nextory's business. They influence user experience and shape the company's reputation. 

- Customer feedback is invaluable. It guides our innovation and ensures that we meet our users' needs and expectations.

The value of partnership with Smartson

Smartson, a platform for consumer-driven reviews, plays a vital role in Nextory's strategy. 

- Smartson offers a win-win setup where we get to listen to our customers, and they get to try our service. Collecting and considering customer reviews provides us with valuable feedback, helping us improve and tailor our service to better meet user needs.

Emma enjoys seeing users share their favorite books and reading experiences on social media. 

- It's wonderful to see people talking about their favorite books and when they read or listen to them. It creates a community that warms my heart.

A summer activation for book lovers

Nextory and Smartson are launching a summer campaign to inspire people to embark on summer adventures with hundreds of thousands of audiobooks, e-books, and magazines. 

- Summer is peak reading season, and we've added exciting new titles, including highly anticipated books from Camilla Läckberg and Sofie Sarenbrant. Our campaign aims to guide people to start their reading journey easily and inspiringly.

Emma understands the challenge of getting started with reading. 

- Finding the right book can be difficult, but once you do, it's hard to stop. Together with Smartson, we can help people find that perfect read.

Advice for marketers and CEOs

Emma's advice for marketers and CEOs is to stay curious. 

- Each partner and influencer is unique, and it's essential to tailor campaigns to align with the target audience and timing. Early in my career, I was hesitant to ask questions, fearing I might seem intrusive. Now, I know it shows that you care. Building a partnership requires collaboration and knowledge from both sides.

She emphasises the importance of curiosity in partnerships. 

- Curiosity about each other's platforms is crucial. I believe that this curiosity shines through in campaigns and inspires people to find the perfect read.

Emma Ollikainen's journey with Nextory is a testament to the power of passion, creativity, and collaboration. Her work not only enhances the reading experience for users but also strengthens the bonds between Nextory, its partners, and a growing community of readers.

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